Held in contempt

Held in contempt
Held in contempt

Held in contempt

Sale Price:£700.00 Original Price:£900.00

(Framed under Glass)

This work is a psychological response to the current climate in the west. The demos of our regional nations are now held in contempt. Main stream media are the instigators of this drive for self hatred and contempt of self-determination. The democratic process of our very nation has been taken hostage and gaslit to bear false witness to the populace by those who call themselves progressive or liberal. This has become a national shame and as an artist I felt called to comment on this toxic climate. Within the adapted Durer font grow various types of fungi, as a part of nature ourselves we all share a symbiotic relationship with them I have chosen to depict the mushrooms speaking the truth throughout this artwork. Mushrooms grow in a mycelial network and need certain key conditions to be in place in order to thrive. Mushrooms actively select their allied organisms like certain trees and form guilds to manage the digestion of dangerous pathogens.

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Printed version of this painting is also available for sale